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Upload Common Issues


Our uploading tool makes it extremely easy to take an external list and have that data priced. That being said, there is still a possibility of running into an issue while uploading/pricing your data. Below are some common issues we've seen, as well as steps to fix them!



Unknown Location

Unknown location means that we were not able to locate your property using the supplied data.

How does this happen?


  1. You've selected the incorrect state or county field headers. Please double check your selection.

  2. You've selected state or county field headers pertaining to the mailing information instead of the property information. Please double check your selection.

  3. You have multiple state or county columns with the same name, causing confusion in our system. Please review your uploaded file to ensure all of the header names are unique.

  4. Either the state or county cell for a particular row is empty. Please review your uploaded file to ensure all of the required data is present.



Unknown Acreage

Unknown acreage means that we were unable to extract a valid acreage from your supplied data. How does this happen?


  1. You've selected the incorrect acreage or square footage field headers. Please double check your selection.

  2. The cell containing the acreage for a particular property is empty. Please review your uploaded file to ensure all of the required data is present.



Unable to Price

Unable to price, as the name suggests, means we were not able to price a particular property.

How does this happen?


  1. The modeled price for the property was invalid. This is most likely due to a lack of surrounding comps, which is out of your control.

  2. You've selected Geo Pricing and the property was not priced at the Geo Pricing level. This can also happen from a lack of comps, or it could be that the property has an invalid latitude or longitude. Please review your uploaded file to ensure all of the required data is present.



Unable to Skip Trace

Unable to skip trace means we were not able to find a valid match for the provided owner information.

How does this happen?


  1. The owner's phone and/or email information is not available.

  2. The provided owner's address is invalid or different from what we have on record, which will result in a false negative. Please ensure all addresses provided are correct.

    • Please also ensure that the selected owner address field is only the address (i.e not state, city, zip code).​



Please contact support if you have any questions or concerns.

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