Road Access Analysis
How It Works
Our road access analysis tool looks at the property's boundary and determines if it has physical access to any nearby road. Using the property's WKT (well known text) polygon boundary, we integrate with several 3rd party tools to assess and determine if there is a physical road that can access your property.
Physical vs Legal Access
Unfortunately our tool can only determine if there is physical access. Please consult the local authority regarding whether the access is legal, or if there are additional easements in place that provide access.
What does this look like in my data export?
For every property in your exported data, we will pull in the property's polygon boundary, analyze the boundary to check for access points, and then include every viable access point in your final list. If a property does not have any access points, it will be filtered out of the final list and moved into your scrubbed out file.
In addition to the access points, we will also include the property boundary WKT (well known text) information for your additional analysis, if desired.