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Property Data Filter Limitations


There are a handful of owner and property filters on our site that may have unexpected behavior. Below is a quick synopsis of each, and what you can expect when using them!


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The subdivision filter has limitations for the needed specificity of the input. For example, the subdivision you may want to filter could be called "Clifton Place", however the filter you would need to actually input is "Clifton Place No 1", "Clifton Place No 2", etc. Additionally, there are circumstances where the input is entirely unexpected. For example, "NAVAJO MOUNTAIN MESA 1$#$2". We are working with our data provider to improve this, but since the subdivision filter is not yet fully supported through their API, this has been slow progress.


Search Valid Subdivision Names



The Zip Code filter works as expected, except in the case where the property does not have a zip code tied to it. This is quite common, as land data can often be incomplete. In these cases, when you use the zip code filter, it will remove properties that do not have that matching zip code(s), or properties without a zip code. To mitigate this, try our polygon filter!




Similar to the subdivision filter, the zoning filter can have some unexpected input rules. One of the reasons for this (that we have found) is that the zoning code filter could refer to a county's zoning codes, to a city's zoning codes, to a county's land use codes or to a state's land use codes. Zoning and land use have a lot of similarities, so it can sometimes be hard to discern which is which, and which value to input into this filter. Unfortunately, the current best solution for this is trial and error, as we have not found a comprehensive database of zoning codes to validate this input.



Delinquency Filter

The delinquency filter's limitations are that it has coverage gaps and that it's a delayed reporting system. Below is the information we've received from our data provider regarding this filter:


The filter is far from perfect as the supporting data is not as comprehensive as we all would like. A “yes” indication in the filter will not necessarily mean a property is currently delinquent on its taxes. The tax data powering the filter is generally updated only once or twice a year, which allows owners plenty of time to make their tax payment before another update is posted. Likewise, a “no” is not a for-sure indication of currency. We need to take this filter with a grain of salt. Hopefully, as our new tax data infrastructure continues to be enhanced, it will be to a level that we can redirect the filter to use that data instead of the legacy tax data the Delinquency filter was built on.



The sale date filter's limitation is how properties with unknown sale dates are handled. In the case where you select "Is Before", properties with unknown sale dates will also be included. This is a decision made by our data provider, with the assumption that if the last sale date is unknown, it's likely that it was last sold before the current county record tracking system. The property must meet all other criteria that you've set.



The number of properties owned filter can occasionally cause some confusion when viewing your result data. The following example explains how this filter works:


Say you are searching Maricopa County, AZ with the number of properties owned filter set to a minimum of 5 properties. In your exported data, you only see 2 properties from a particular owner. Why is that? There are 3 likely scenarios:


  1. This owner owns properties in several counties. The properties owned filter is simply specifying multiple owned properties. They may own 2 properties in Maricopa County, AZ and 3+ properties in several other counties.

  2. The properties owned by this owner in Maricopa County are being filtered by other filters you are using. Let's say you select the Last Sale Date filter to only return properties sold in the last year. If any of this owner's properties were sold more than 1 year ago, they will not be returned in your final results.

  3. You selected to remove duplicate owners. In this scenario, you should only see 1 copy of every owner, even though every owner in your results owns 5+ properties.




Please contact support if you have any questions or concerns.

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