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Comp Report Search Property


If you are unable to locate your property via APN in our Comp Reporting tool, it's possible that the APN is incorrect. Please try following these steps to locate the correct APN in our system:


Option 1

  1. Navigate to the Search Land page

  2. Input your county into the search box

  3. Click "Advanced Search" to expand the search fields

  4. Input the property's acreage into the min acreage field

  5. Input the property's acreage + 1 into the max acreage field

  6. Input the property owner's name into the Owner Name filter (under Owner Filters)

  7. Click "Search"

  8. On the results page, if there are any results, preview the results

    • If there are no results, you can try one or more of the following

  9. Once you receive your preview data, you should be able to copy and paste the APN back into the comp report system to find your property!​


Option 2

  1. Locate your target county's GIS/parcel search system (Clark County, NV example)

  2. Input the APN into the search of that system to determine if it is valid

  3. If you are able to locate your target property, please look for alternate APNs that you can try inputting into our system

  4. If not, please see Option 1 above

Please contact support if you have any questions or concerns.

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